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This information, extracted from local government websites - attached below - is a summary, for full details and complete text review the municipal websites, or contact Town Hall.

  • Angel Investment Credit
    A taxpayer who files a New Mexico income tax return and who is a “qualified investor” may take a tax credit of up to $62,500 (25% of a qualified investment) for an investment made in each of up to five New Mexico companies that are engaging in qualified research, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, or manufacturing. The taxpayer may claim the angel investment credit for one qualified investment per investment round. Any portion of the tax credit remaining unused at the end of the taxpayer’s taxable year may be carried forward for five consecutive years. See More
  • What are considered Advanced Industries?
    The following programs are designed to support job creation and innovation in your field as a business operating in one of Colorado’s seven advanced industries: - Advanced manufacturing - Aerospace - Bioscience - Electronics - Energy and natural resources - Infrastructure engineering - Technology and information In addition to credit, funding and job training programs, a set of five advanced industry grants make up the Advanced Industries Accelerator programs which are designed to promote growth and sustainability in these industries by helping accelerate commercialization, encourage public-private partnerships, increase access to early stage capital and create a strong ecosystem that increases the state’s global competitiveness. Learn more about these available opportunities by exploring the programs below. See more.
  • Advanced Industries Accelerator Programs
    Proof of Concept Grant: This grant uses funding to identify and pull technologies from research institutions where they were discovered and connect them to the private sector where they can be developed into products for commercialization. Learn more. Early-Stage Capital and Retention Grant: This grant uses funding to support companies using technologies developed in proof of concept grants and other early stage start-ups that have created viable products that meet a market need and that can be created or manufactured in Colorado and exported globally. Learn more. Collaborative Infrastructure Funding: This grant uses funding to accelerate commercialization and innovation of advanced industry products and services by building capacity and workforce for the advanced industries ecosystem. The application for this grant is open once a year in the spring. Learn more. Export Accelerator Program: This is a financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters. The grant program supports eligible small and medium-sized business through funds to offset international business development and marketing costs. Learn more.
  • Consumables Gross Receipts Tax Deduction for Manufacturers
    A seller may deduct receipts from sales to a manufacturer of tangible personal property that becomes an ingredient or component part of a manufactured product. For the purposes of this deduction, “consumable” is defined as tangible personal property that is incorporated into, destroyed, depleted, or transformed in the process of manufacturing a product, including electricity, fuels, water, manufacturing aids and supplies, chemicals, gases, repair parts, spares, and other tangibles used to manufacture a product. Read more about the consumables deduction. See more.
  • High Wage Jobs Tax Credit
    Please Note: Changes were made to the High Wage Jobs Tax Credit in the recent 2019 Legislative Session. These changes are reflected below, but do not become effective until July 1, 2019. Questions should be directed to the Taxation & Revenue Department. A taxpayer who is an eligible employer may apply for and receive a tax credit for each new high-wage economic-base job. The credit amount equals 8 1/2% of the wages and benefits paid for each new economic-base job created, up to $12,750 per job. Qualified jobs: - Pays at least $40,000/year in a community with a population of less than 60,000 - Pays at least $60,000/year in a community with a population of 60,000 or more - Occupied for at least 44 weeks by the employee Qualified employers: - Are growing with employment greater than the previous year; and - Are eligible for the Job Training Incentive Program Qualified employers can take the credit for 4 years. The credit may only be claimed for up to 1 year after the end of the 3 qualifying periods. The credit can be applied to the state portion of the gross receipts tax, compensating tax, and withholding tax. Any excess credit will be refunded to the taxpayer. The credit shall not exceed $12,750 per year, per job. Qualified employees: - Must be a resident of New Mexico. - Cannot be a relative of the employer or own more than 50% of the company and cannot own, directly or indirectly, 50% in value of outstanding stock. See more.
  • Advanced Industries Tax Credit
    Advanced Industries Tax Credit: A program which provides assistance to Colorado companies operating in seven advanced industries the opportunity to receive capital from investors. Learn more.
  • Investment Tax Credit for Manufacturers
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department Manufacturers may take a credit against gross receipts, compensating or withholding taxes equal to 5.125% of the value of qualified equipment when the following employment conditions are met: - For every $500,000 of equipment, 1 employee must be added up to $30 million; and - For amounts exceeding $30 million, 1 employee must be added for each $1 million of equipment The credit may (also) be claimed for equipment acquired under an IRB. This is a double benefit because no gross receipts or compensating tax was paid on the purchase or importation of the equipment. The manufacturer simply reduces its tax payment to the state (by as much as 85% per reporting period) until the amount of investment credit is exhausted. There also are provisions for issuing a refund when the credit balance falls under $500,000. The credit does not apply against local gross receipts taxes. See more.
  • Aviation Development Zone Tax Credit
    A program providing a state income tax credit of $1,200 per new full-time employee for businesses involved in the maintenance and repair, completion or modification of aircraft located within approved Aviation Development Zone airports. Learn more.
  • Colorado FIRST
    A customized job training program focusing on companies relocating to or expanding in Colorado and provide funds only to net new hires. Learn more.
  • Rural Jobs Tax Credit
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department This credit can be applied to taxes due on (state) gross receipts, corporate income, or personal income tax. Rural New Mexico is defined as any part of the state other than Los Alamos County; certain municipalities: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell, and Santa Fe; and a 10-mile zone around those select municipalities. Company eligibility: - Companies that manufacture or produce a product in New Mexico - Non-retail service companies that export a substantial percentage of services out of state (50% or more revenues and/or customer base) - Certain green industries The rural area is divided into 2 tiers: - Tier 2 = Non-metro area municipalities that exceed 15,000 in population: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Clovis, Gallup, and Hobbs - Tier 1 = Everywhere else in a rural area The maximum tax credit amount with respect to each qualifying job is equal to: - Tier 1: 25% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 4 years) - Tier 2: 12.5% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 2 years) A qualifying job is a job filled by an eligible employee for 48 weeks in a 12-month qualifying period. The credit may be carried forward for up to 3 years. See more.
  • Single Sales Factor
    For the purposes of apportioning income, “manufacturing” excludes construction, farming, power generation, and processing natural resources including hydrocarbons. In addition, in taxable years that begin on or after January 1, 2015, corporate headquarters operations may elect to have business income apportioned to New Mexico subject to a single sales factor apportionment methodology. See more.
  • EZ - Research and Development Tax Credit
    A tax credit for businesses up to three percent, based on the increase of a company’s research and development expenditures within an enterprise zone during the previous two income tax years. Learn more.
  • Global Consultant Network
    A network of international consultants that connect qualifying Colorado companies to global opportunities and market education. Learn More.
  • Trade Support Company in a Border Zone
    The receipts of a customs brokerage firm or freight forwarder may be deducted from gross receipts if the company first locates in New Mexico within twenty (20) miles of an international port of entry in New Mexico on New Mexico's border with Mexico at which customs services are provided by United States Customs and Border Protection on or after July 1, 2003, but before July 1, 2013, or on or after January 1, 2016 but before January 1, 2021. The deduction is valid for those receipts derived from the company's business activities and operations at its border zone location within five years of the date on which the company locates in New Mexico. To qualify, the company must emply at least two employees in New Mexico. See more.
  • Job Growth Investment Tax Credit
    A program for businesses pursuing job creation projects that would not occur in Colorado without this support. Learn more.
  • Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit - Higher Education Partnership
    A program for businesses partnering with State Higher Institutions (HEI) to support job growth, academic development and economic expansion. Learn more.
  • Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)
    A program which provides Federal, State and local government contract procurement assistance in the form of education and counseling for Colorado companies. Learn more.
  • Rural Jump Start
    A program for eligible new businesses and new hires that relocate to Jump-Start Zones. Learn more.
  • Strategic Fund Incentive
    A program designed to encourage recruitment, retention and economic growth through Colorado by supporting businesses that have created and maintained permanent net new jobs for one year. Learn more.
  • Venture Capital Authority Funds
    A program which makes seed and early-stage capital investments in eligible businesses via two Colorado Funds which are established with an independently operated fund manager. Learn more.
  • Commercial Historic Preserviation Tax Credit
    A program jointly administered with History Colorado for owners of designated commercial properties that do a certified rehabilitiation of their property. Learn more.
  • Aircraft Deduction
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department - Receipts from selling aircraft parts or maintenance services for aircraft or aircraft parts - Receipts of an aircraft manufacturer from selling aircraft flight support, pilot training, or maintenance training services - Receipts from the sale of or from maintaining, refurbishing, remodeling, or otherwise modifying a commercial or military carrier over 10,000 pounds gross landing weight - 50% of gross receipts from selling other aircraft - 55% of the receipts from selling jet fuel for use in turboprop or jet engines until June 30, 2017; 40% after June 30, 2017 See more.
  • Colorado Creative Districts
    This program offers vetted districts across the state access to grant funding, tailored technical assistance, networking and training programs, and access to advocacy tools to support the growth and infrastructure of the state’s creative economy. Learn more.
  • Directed Energy and Satellites
    Receipts from the sale of qualified research and development services and qualified directed energy and satellite-related inputs to the Department of Defense may be deducted from gross receipts. See more.
  • High Wage Jobs Tax Credit
    Please Note: Changes were made to the High Wage Jobs Tax Credit in the recent 2019 Legislative Session. These changes are reflected below, but do not become effective until July 1, 2019. Questions should be directed to the Taxation & Revenue Department. A taxpayer who is an eligible employer may apply for and receive a tax credit for each new high-wage economic-base job. The credit amount equals 8 1/2% of the wages and benefits paid for each new economic-base job created, up to $12,750 per job. Qualified jobs: - Pays at least $40,000/year in a community with a population of less than 60,000 - Pays at least $60,000/year in a community with a population of 60,000 or more - Occupied for at least 44 weeks by the employee Qualified employers: - Are growing with employment greater than the previous year; and - Are eligible for the Job Training Incentive Program Qualified employers can take the credit for 4 years. The credit may only be claimed for up to 1 year after the end of the 3 qualifying periods. The credit can be applied to the state portion of the gross receipts tax, compensating tax, and withholding tax. Any excess credit will be refunded to the taxpayer. The credit shall not exceed $12,750 per year, per job. Qualified employees: - Must be a resident of New Mexico. - Cannot be a relative of the employer or own more than 50% of the company and cannot own, directly or indirectly, 50% in value of outstanding stock. See more.
  • Space to Create
    This program is the first state driven initiative in the nation to develop affordable housing and workspaces for artists and art organizations. Designed to position Colorado as the leader in artist-led community transformation in rural communities, this program will facilitate the development of nine projects over the course of eight years. Learn more.
  • Military Aquisition Program Tax Deduction
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department Receipts from transformational acquisition programs performing research and development, testing, and evaluation at New Mexico major range and test facility bases pursuant to contracts entered into with the U. S. Department of Defense may be deducted from gross receipts. See more.
  • Research and Development Tax Deduction
    Aerospace services are the research and development services sold or for resale to an organization for resale by the organization to the U.S. Air Force. When R&D services are sold to Phillips Laboratory for resale to the Air Force, the seller's receipts are deductible. If the R&D services are sold to an intermediary for resale to Phillips Laboratory for resale to the Air Force, those receipts are also deductible. See more.
  • Rural Jobs Tax Credit
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department This credit can be applied to taxes due on (state) gross receipts, corporate income, or personal income tax. Rural New Mexico is defined as any part of the state other than Los Alamos County; certain municipalities: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell, and Santa Fe; and a 10-mile zone around those select municipalities. Company eligibility: - Companies that manufacture or produce a product in New Mexico - Non-retail service companies that export a substantial percentage of services out of state (50% or more revenues and/or customer base) - Certain green industries The rural area is divided into 2 tiers: - Tier 2 = Non-metro area municipalities that exceed 15,000 in population: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Clovis, Gallup, and Hobbs - Tier 1 = Everywhere else in a rural area The maximum tax credit amount with respect to each qualifying job is equal to: - Tier 1: 25% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 4 years) - Tier 2: 12.5% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 2 years) A qualifying job is a job filled by an eligible employee for 48 weeks in a 12-month qualifying period. The credit may be carried forward for up to 3 years. See more.
  • Spaceport-Related Activities Gross Receipts Tax Deductions
    There are 4 separate deductions connected with the operation of a spaceport in New Mexico. 1. Receipts from launching, operating, or recovering space vehicles or payloads 2. Receipts from preparing a payload in New Mexico 3. Receipts from operating a spaceport in New Mexico 4. Receipts from the provision of research, development, testing, and evaluation services for the United States Air Force Operationally Responsive Space Program “Space” is defined as any location beyond altitudes of 60,000 feet above mean sea level. “Payload” means a system, subsystem or other mechanical structure designed and constructed to perform a function in space. “Space operations” is defined as the process of commanding and controlling payloads in space. “Spaceport” is defined as the installation and related facilities used for the launching, landing, operating, recovering, servicing, and monitoring of vehicles capable of entering or returning from space. See more.
  • What is the Colorado Enterprise Zone Program?
    The Colorado Enterprise Zone (EZ) Program is designed to promote a business-friendly environment in economically distressed areas by offering state income tax credits that incentivize businesses to locate and develop in, and non-profit organizations to assist with the needs of these communities. Private-sector business activity encouraged by these income tax incentives brings job opportunities and capital investment to economically distressed areas. The private investment results in tax revenue for school districts, cities, counties and the state, outweighing the costs of the tax credits granted. Las Animas County is considered an 'Enhanced Enterprise Zone' Learn more.
  • Beer & Wine Producers' Preferential Tax Rate
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department Microbreweries producing less than 5,000 barrels of beer annually and small wineries producing less than 560,000 liters of wine per year qualify for a preferential tax rate. The Liquor Excise Tax Act imposes taxes on beer, wine, and spirituous liquors. The basic tax rate for wine is 45 cents per liter. Wine produced by a small vintner carries a tax of 10 cents per liter on the first 80,000 liters and 20 cents on production over that level up to 560,000 liters. The basic tax rate for beer produced by a brewery is 41 cents; beer produced by a microbrewery (producing less than 5,000 barrels annually) is taxed at 8 cents per gallon. See more.
  • Investment Tax Credit
    Businesses investing in Enterprise Zones through business personal property can earn a 3% tax credit. Special rules for renewable energy equipment apply.
  • Consumables Gross Receipts Tax Deduction for Manufacturers
    A seller may deduct receipts from sales to a manufacturer of tangible personal property that becomes an ingredient or component part of a manufactured product. For the purposes of this deduction, “consumable” is defined as tangible personal property that is incorporated into, destroyed, depleted, or transformed in the process of manufacturing a product, including electricity, fuels, water, manufacturing aids and supplies, chemicals, gases, repair parts, spares, and other tangibles used to manufacture a product. Read more about the consumables deduction. See more.
  • Investment Tax Credit for Manufacturers
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department Manufacturers may take a credit against gross receipts, compensating or withholding taxes equal to 5.125% of the value of qualified equipment when the following employment conditions are met: - For every $500,000 of equipment, 1 employee must be added up to $30 million; and - For amounts exceeding $30 million, 1 employee must be added for each $1 million of equipment The credit may (also) be claimed for equipment acquired under an IRB. This is a double benefit because no gross receipts or compensating tax was paid on the purchase or importation of the equipment. The manufacturer simply reduces its tax payment to the state (by as much as 85% per reporting period) until the amount of investment credit is exhausted. There also are provisions for issuing a refund when the credit balance falls under $500,000. The credit does not apply against local gross receipts taxes. See more.
  • Job Training
    Companies that implement a qualified job-training program for their enterprise zone employees may earn an income tax credit of 12% of their eligible training costs.
  • Rural Jobs Tax Credit
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department This credit can be applied to taxes due on (state) gross receipts, corporate income, or personal income tax. Rural New Mexico is defined as any part of the state other than Los Alamos County; certain municipalities: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell, and Santa Fe; and a 10-mile zone around those select municipalities. Company eligibility: - Companies that manufacture or produce a product in New Mexico - Non-retail service companies that export a substantial percentage of services out of state (50% or more revenues and/or customer base) - Certain green industries The rural area is divided into 2 tiers: - Tier 2 = Non-metro area municipalities that exceed 15,000 in population: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Clovis, Gallup, and Hobbs - Tier 1 = Everywhere else in a rural area The maximum tax credit amount with respect to each qualifying job is equal to: - Tier 1: 25% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 4 years) - Tier 2: 12.5% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 2 years) A qualifying job is a job filled by an eligible employee for 48 weeks in a 12-month qualifying period. The credit may be carried forward for up to 3 years. See more.
  • New Employee Credit
    Agricultural Processor: An additional tax credit of $500 per net new employee may be claimed by businesses adding value to agricultural commodities through manufacturing or processing. Enhanced Rural EZ: An additional tax credit of $2,000 per net new employee may be claimed for businesses in Enhanced Rural EZs – these are re-established every 2 years. EREZ designated counties are highlighted on the map below. Enhanced Rural Agricultural Processor: An additional tax credit of $500 per net new employee may be claimed if the business is an agricultural manufacturing or processing business in an Enhanced Rural EZ.
  • Employer Sponsored Health Insurance
    Offers businesses $1,000 per net new employee insured under a qualified health plan for which the employer pays at least 50% of the cost. This credit is available for the first two years the business is located in an enterprise zone.
  • Singles Sales Factor
    For the purposes of apportioning income, “manufacturing” excludes construction, farming, power generation, and processing natural resources including hydrocarbons. In addition, in taxable years that begin on or after January 1, 2015, corporate headquarters operations may elect to have business income apportioned to New Mexico subject to a single sales factor apportionment methodology. See more.
  • Research and Development Tax Credit
    Businesses conducting research and development may earn a 3% tax credit on the increase in such expenditures as compared to that of the prior 2 years.
  • Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation
    Encourages redevelopment of vacant commercial property with a 25% credit for the cost of rehabilitation of a building that is at least 20 years old and has been completely vacant for at least 2 years. The credit is limited to $50,000 per building. *When certifying for the EZ Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation tax credit, the applicant is required to provide evidence of the building’s age and vacancy condition prior the start of the remodel.
  • Commercial Vehicle Investment Tax Credit
    Investment in commercial trucks, truck tractors, tractors, or semitrailers, and associated parts registered in CO and based and used in an EZ may earn the taxpayer a 1.5% credit. Application Form and Instructions.
  • Contribution Projects
    Enterprise Zone (EZ) Contribution Projects encourage community participation and public-private partnerships to revitalize EZs. EZ Administrators may propose projects for EZ Project status to implement the economic development plan of that specific EZ. EZ Administrators work with their communities to bring forward proposals that support local economic improvements, result in job creation/retention and business expansion, and have the support of the community. Colorado taxpayers may earn a 25% state income tax credit by contributing to targeted efforts. Learn more.
  • Financial Management Tax Credit
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department Receipts from fees received for performing management or investment advisory services for a related mutual fund, hedge fund, or real estate investment trust may be deducted from gross receipts See more.
  • Advanced Industries Export Grant
    The Advanced Industries (AI) Export Grant is a Colorado financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters administered by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). The grant program supports small and medium-sized business through funds to offset international business development and marketing costs. The grant is funded by the Colorado Advanced Industries Acceleration Program.
  • State Trade Expansion Program
    The State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) Grant is a financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters entering into a new global market. Funded in part by a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), STEP provides grant awards to small and medium-sized businesses to offset global business and export development activities.
  • High Wage Jobs Tax Credit
    Please Note: Changes were made to the High Wage Jobs Tax Credit in the recent 2019 Legislative Session. These changes are reflected below, but do not become effective until July 1, 2019. Questions should be directed to the Taxation & Revenue Department. A taxpayer who is an eligible employer may apply for and receive a tax credit for each new high-wage economic-base job. The credit amount equals 8 1/2% of the wages and benefits paid for each new economic-base job created, up to $12,750 per job. Qualified jobs: - Pays at least $40,000/year in a community with a population of less than 60,000 - Pays at least $60,000/year in a community with a population of 60,000 or more - Occupied for at least 44 weeks by the employee Qualified employers: - Are growing with employment greater than the previous year; and - Are eligible for the Job Training Incentive Program Qualified employers can take the credit for 4 years. The credit may only be claimed for up to 1 year after the end of the 3 qualifying periods. The credit can be applied to the state portion of the gross receipts tax, compensating tax, and withholding tax. Any excess credit will be refunded to the taxpayer. The credit shall not exceed $12,750 per year, per job. Qualified employees: - Must be a resident of New Mexico. - Cannot be a relative of the employer or own more than 50% of the company and cannot own, directly or indirectly, 50% in value of outstanding stock. See more.
  • Rural Jobs Tax Credit
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department This credit can be applied to taxes due on (state) gross receipts, corporate income, or personal income tax. Rural New Mexico is defined as any part of the state other than Los Alamos County; certain municipalities: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Farmington, Las Cruces, Roswell, and Santa Fe; and a 10-mile zone around those select municipalities. Company eligibility: - Companies that manufacture or produce a product in New Mexico - Non-retail service companies that export a substantial percentage of services out of state (50% or more revenues and/or customer base) - Certain green industries The rural area is divided into 2 tiers: - Tier 2 = Non-metro area municipalities that exceed 15,000 in population: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Clovis, Gallup, and Hobbs - Tier 1 = Everywhere else in a rural area The maximum tax credit amount with respect to each qualifying job is equal to: - Tier 1: 25% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 4 years) - Tier 2: 12.5% of the first $16,000 in wages paid for the qualifying job (may be taken at $1,000 per year for 2 years) A qualifying job is a job filled by an eligible employee for 48 weeks in a 12-month qualifying period. The credit may be carried forward for up to 3 years. See more.
  • Global Consultant Network
    Through the Global Consultant Network, we maintain a network of international consultants that connect Colorado companies to global opportunities. Colorado companies have access to international consultants in major markets that provide valuable in-country market research.
  • Foreign Delegations
    OEDIT regularly engages with international business and government delegations visiting Colorado. Contact us for details on upcoming delegations, if: - You represent a foreign entity interested in bringing a delegation to Colorado - You represent a Colorado company or organization that is interested in engaging with potential foreign investors, trade partners, or government officials Learn more
  • Aviation Development Zone Tax Credit
    A program providing a state income tax credit of $1,200 per new full-time employee for businesses involved in the maintenance and repair, completion or modification of aircraft located within approved Aviation Development Zone airports. Learn more.
  • Angel Investment Credit
    A taxpayer who files a New Mexico income tax return and who is a “qualified investor” may take a tax credit of up to $62,500 (25% of a qualified investment) for an investment made in each of up to five New Mexico companies that are engaging in qualified research, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, or manufacturing. The taxpayer may claim the angel investment credit for one qualified investment per investment round. Any portion of the tax credit remaining unused at the end of the taxpayer’s taxable year may be carried forward for five consecutive years. See More
  • Film Post Production Services 25% Refundable Tax Credit
    The Film Production Tax Credit applies to post production expenditures which are directly attributable to the production of a commercial film or audiovisual product. The services must be performed in New Mexico. Eligible expenditures include editing, Foley recording, automatic dialogue replacement, sound editing, special effects, including computer-generated imagery or other effects, scoring and music editing, beginning and end credits, negative cutting, soundtrack production, dubbing, subtitling or addition or sound or visual effects. For additional information, visit the New Mexico Film Office. See more.
  • CBDG - Grant and Loan Fund
    Every year, the State of Colorado receives an allocation of federal funds to use for both community and economic development efforts within the state. OEDIT receives approximately one-third of this allocation of funds, using this allocation specifically for economic development efforts via the state’s Business Loan Funds.
  • Colorado FIRST
    A customized job training program that focuses on companies relocating to or expanding in Colorado and provides funds only to net new hires. Learn more.
  • Rural Software Development Gross Reciepts Tax Deduction
    Receipts from the sale of software development services may be deducted from gross receipts tax when the service is performed in a rural area. Software development services include custom software design and development and web site design and development, but does not include software implementation or support services. A rural area is defined as any not within the municipal boundaries of the cities of Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Rio Rancho and Santa Fe are not eligible for this deduction. See more.
  • Technology Jobs and Research and Development Tax Credit
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department The purpose of the credit is to provide a favorable tax climate for technology-based businesses engaging in research, development and experimentation and to promote increased employment and higher wages in those fields in New Mexico. A taxpayer conducting qualified research at a qualified facility and making qualified expenditures of no more than $5 million in New Mexico is eligible to claim the basic technology jobs and research and development tax credit of 5% against the taxpayer’s compensating tax, withholding tax or gross receipts tax, excluding local option gross receipts tax. The tax credit will double to 10% for expenditures in facilities located in rural New Mexico. The approved basic credit may be carried forward for a period of up to three years. That same taxpayer may apply for an additional tax credit of 5% against the taxpayer’s income tax or corporate income tax liability. The credit will double to 10% for taxpayers located in rural New Mexico. To qualify for the additional credit the taxpayer must increase the annual payroll expense $75,000 for every $1 million in qualified expenditures claimed. The taxpayer may not claim an amount that exceeds the taxpayer’s personal or corporate income for that reporting period. The additional credit may be carried forward for a period of up to three years. For a qualified research and development small business, which is defined as having no more than 50 employees, they too, can claim the basic credit and the same rules apply to them. The qualified research and development small business can also claim the additional credit with the same rules. The qualified research and development small business can be refunded if the approved amount exceeds the taxpayer’s income tax liability or corporate income tax liability: - Less than $3 million, the excess will be refunded. - $3 million to less than $4 million, two-thirds of the excess will be refunded. - $4 million to $5 million, one-third of the excess will be refunded. See more.
  • Enterprise Zone Tax Credits
    These tax incentives encourage businesses to locate and expand in designated economically distressed areas of the state. Learn more.
  • Web Hosting Gross Receipts Tax Deduction
    Administered by NM Taxation & Revenue Department Receipts from hosting World Wide Web sites may be deducted from gross receipts. Hosting means storing information on computers attached to the Internet. See more.
  • Commercial Historic Preservation Tax Credit
    A program jointly administered with History Colorado for owners of designated commercial properties that do a certified rehabilitation of their property. Learn more.
  • Job Growth Investment Tax Credit
    A performance-based program for businesses pursuing job creation projects that would not occur in Colorado without this support. Learn more.
  • Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit-Higher Education Partnership
    A program for businesses partnering with State Higher Institutions (HEI) to support job growth, academic development and economic expansion. Learn more.
  • Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)
    A program which provides Federal, State and local government contract procurement assistance in the form of education and counseling for Colorado companies. Learn more.
  • Rural Technical Assistance Program
    A program which provides Federal, State and local government contract procurement assistance in the form of education and counseling for Colorado companies. Learn more.
  • Rural Jump Start
    A program for eligible new businesses and new hires that relocate to Jump-Start Zones. Learn more.
  • Strategic Fund Initiative
    A program which supports eligible rural companies, communities and non-profit initiatives in new business development such as incubators. Learn more.
  • Strategic Fund Incentive
    A performance-based program designed to encourage recruitment, retention and economic growth through Colorado by supporting Colorado Economic Development Commission (EDC) approved businesses that have created and maintained permanent net new jobs for one year. Learn more.
  • Colorado Creative Districts
    This program offers vetted districts across the state access to grant funding, tailored technical assistance, networking and training programs, and access to advocacy tools to support the growth and infrastructure of the state’s creative economy. Learn more.
  • Space to Create
    This program is the first state driven initiative in the nation to develop affordable housing and workspaces for artists and art organizations. Designed to position Colorado as the leader in artist-led community transformation in rural communities, this program will facilitate the development of nine projects over the course of eight years. Learn more.
  • Advanced Industries Export Accelerator Program
    This is a financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters. The grant program supports eligible small and medium-sized business through funds to offset international business development and marketing costs. Learn more.
  • Global Consultant Network
    A network of international consultants that connect qualifying Colorado companies to global opportunities and market education. Learn more.
  • State Trade Expansion Program
    A financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters entering into a new international market. This program supports small and medium-sized business through grant funds to offset international business development and marketing costs. Learn more.
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