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Article Highlights

Read these new articles that highlight key questions and issues for growing your small business...

Recruiting - The 3rd Crucial Startup Skill

I used to believe that there were two critical startup skills:

1. Building a great product that has clear product/market fit.
2. Building a sales and marketing machine.

Should Startups Care About Profitability?

There are certain topics that even some of the smartest people I talk with who aren’t startup oriented can’t fully grok. One of them is whether profitability matters.

Lessons From The Internet Bubble: Growth vs. Profitability

Over the weekend, Mark Suster and Fred Wilson each put up awesome posts discussing the idea of profitability in startups. Mark’s is a master class about how to look at the financial characteristics of a startup and Fred’s discusses what he’s been working on with some of his more mature companies.

The Five Questions You Need to Answer About Your Startup's Strategy

Michael Porter wrote the seminal book on strategy in the early 1980s. Called Competitive Strategy, I think it should be required for anyone starting a company. Strategy is a seemingly murky amorphous intangible concept, but Porter brilliantly prescribes the five questions strategy should answer. What are the answers for your business?

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